Silent Sticks Thick-X-Grips

(11 avis client)

Volume a problem? Not now!

Your weapon of choice for most situations: a nice thick and firm X-Grip in the size of a 5A stick gives you enough control, the Dual-Twist-Reflex-Tip from hard nylon gives you a nice attack on both cymbals and toms, so close to the sound of regular sticks, only the volume difference will give it away. Can be used on both acoustic and e-drums.


3 en stock


To cut your volume, just change your sticks!

Want to reduce the volume of your drums and cymbals without adjusting how you play or getting into low-volume gear? Just change your sticks. With Silent Sticks Thick-X-Grip you keep the feel – especially with the new larger-diameter shaft with anti-slip X-Grips – and the tone but cut the volume by +/- 50%. Our exclusive Dual-Twist Reflex Tip® is the magic. To cut your bass drum volume, add a Silent Beater.

Your weapon of choice for most situations: a nice thick and firm X-Grip in the size of a 5A stick gives you enough control, the Dual-Twist-Reflex-Tip from hard nylon gives you a nice attack on both cymbals and toms, so close to the sound of regular sticks, only the volume difference will give it away. Can be used on both acoustic and e-drums.

These are some websites that have tested and talked about Silent Sticks Thick-X-Grip:

Model overview Silent Sticks & Beater

Silent Percussion Sticks (ASS) – 11mm shaft

Silent Sticks Thick X-Grip (SSX) – 14.5mm shaft, hard grip

Silent-E-Sticks (SSE) – 15.5mm shaft, soft grip & tip

Scott Pellegrom Signature Silent Sticks – 16.5mm shaft and soft grip

Adoro Silent Beater with flexible shaft for impact reduction, for pads

Adoro Silent Beater with fiber shaft, for acoustic drums

It’s all in your head!

Struggling with a good acoustic sound when playing less loud / acoustic? Let us introduce Adoro Heritage Heads to you!

By using a new innovative fibre material, we have optimized the warm sound of the heads and at the same time achieved maximum durability. In contrast to conventional cellulose-mylar constructions of other brands, the Heritage heads are extremely hard-wearing and still offer the unique sound characteristics of natural calf heads, very little attack, easy tuning, full and warm sound, combined with great tuning stability. On top of this, Heritage heads tune a third lower than regular heads.

While the heritage heads are really durable and can be played at highest volume, they are so sensible due to them not being laminated, and thus even the softest touch brings forth a warm and tonal sound. This is especially great when you play with silent sticks & beaters and need to play all acoustic!

Give these heads a try! We give you a 100% you-love-them-or-we-take-them-back-guarantee with full money refund when these heads do not blow you away and make you sound more musical!

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À propos d'Adoro

Adoro est un fabricant de batteries originaire de Hambourg, en Allemagne. Nous sommes spécialisés dans les batteries pour les environnements acoustiques, les Silent Sticks ne sont qu'un des nombreux produits que nous fabriquons à la main. Nous aimons ce que nous faisons, et nous sommes heureux que vous appréciiez également nos produits.

Si vous avez des questions, ou si vous souhaitez obtenir des conseils en matière de batterie, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter !


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7200 NW 111th St.
OKC, Oklahoma 73162

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Allan Langvee

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