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- service@adoro-drums.com
- Lundi à Vendredi : 9h-17h (GTM -6)
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Vous souhaitez réduire le volume de votre batterie sans vous ruiner ? Welcome to your solution: Les Adoro Silent Sticks vous permettent de jouer de la batterie, des cymbales et des e-drum pads 80% moins fort, tout en gardant un son exceptionnel ! (cliquez ici pour obtenir des conseils sur la manière d'améliorer le son de votre batterie lorsque vous jouez silencieusement!
- Réduction instantanée de 80 % du volume et plus encore !
- Idéal pour les environnements calmes et acoustiques
- Réponses claires des tambours et des cymbales
- Entraînez-vous partout, sur n'importe quelle surface
- Durent plus longtemps que les rods et les baguettes légères.
Order Now!
Adoro Silent Beater (soft)
Beater & Silent-E-Sticks Set
Scott Pellegrom Signature Sticks
ToneAlly Design 1 Deluxe
Avec des manches en polycarbonate, des poignées X-grips en caoutchouc antidérapantes et des embouts Reflex à double torsion,TMles Silent Sticks réduisent le volume de votre batterie et de vos cymbales jusqu'à 80 %. Idéal pour jouer moins fort dans n'importe quel situation..... Partout où le besoin s'en fait sentir, utilisez les Silent Sticks et les Silent Beater !

L'acolyte parfait de nos Silent Sticks:
Le Silent Beater.
Cette batte de grosse caisse est plus silencieuse que toutes les autres battes du marché. Les matériaux spéciaux utilisés offrent une faible masse, ce qui permet de transférer moins de force à votre grosse-caisse. Cela signifie que vous n'avez pas besoin d'adapter votre style de jeu, installez le Silent Beater et votre grosse-caisse aura un volume significativement plus bas instantanément. Nous livrons également notre batte avec un feutre en mousse spécial supplémentaire, au cas où vous souhaiteriez réduire encore davantage le volume et obtenir un son plus doux. Notre Silent Beater est compatible avec toutes les pédales de grosse caisse standard.
Particulièrement adaptés aux batteries et aux instruments à percussion, ces battes empêchent les instruments de se briser.
Avez- vous besoin des Silent Sticks?
Vous jouez en environnement acoustique?
Avec une réduction du volume des fûts et des cymbales d'au moins 80 %, les Silent Sticks vous permettent de jouer facilement dans des environnements acoustiques et sensibles au volume.
Vous jouez dans un groupe de louange?
Avec les Silent Sticks, plus besoin de cages en plexi coûteuses, de batteries électroniques ou d'amplification. Réduisez votre volume de moitié.
Votre Batterie sonne trop forte?
Pas avec les Silent Sticks. En réduisant le volume de 80 % ou plus, ils vous permettent de vous détendre et de vous concentrer sur votre pratique ou votre jeu au lieu de vous retenir. Trop fort ? Jamais !
Vous voulez un meilleur son sur scène ?
Lorsque le batteur joue fort, le groupe monte le son... et le public s'éteint. Obtenir le bon volume sur scène avec Silent Sticks signifie un meilleur son en façade.
Pour réduire le bruit de la batterie électronique ?
Les voisins se plaignent-ils et votre famille devient-elle folle à cause du volume de la batterie ou du bruit des baguettes sur les pads de batterie électronique ? Les embouts flexibles des Silent Sticks réduisent ce bruit gênant.
Pour faire plus de concert?
Quand était la dernière fois qu'un groupe vous a demander de jouer plus fort? Jamais, pas vrai ? Ils veulent de la dynamique, pas du volume. Coupez votre volume avec Silent Sticks et le public vous aimera aussi.
Pourquoi Silent Sticks & Beater?
- Réduction instantanée de 50 % du volume et plus encore !
- Idéal pour les environnements calmes et acoustiques
- Tips Reflex® à rebond rapide et à double boucle
- Réponses claires des tambours et des cymbales
- Entraînez-vous partout, sur n'importe quelle surface
- Durent plus longtemps que les rods et les baguettes légères.
Voici ce que nos clients disent ...
Témoignages réels, non édité.
Just got a set and have to say after 50 years of drumming and spending a small fortune on hot rod sticks to be able to play quietly with attack and energy these silent sticks are great with a fantastic cymbal response
If you need to play at low volume you need these as an alternative in your stick bag

Received mine in a timely manner even with the postal service being so backed up with volume. Love the sticks so far, would love for them to have a little more rebound, but with the way they’re designed I don’t see that being very alterable. Great product! May have to check out the silent beater soon 🤔

I tried Silent Sticks out this weekend with my band. I usually play my e-drums when we rehearse, but we have started booking gigs again, and have a show at a small bar and grill in 3 weeks. It's too small IMO for my acoustic drums, but I hate dragging my electrics to a gig. Anyhow, ordered Silent Sticks, set my Luddies up, and we had a grand rehearsal in my garage! I am ordering another pair today!

Enjoy playing with your invention especially on those days when Diabetic Arthropothy and Arthritis "creeps up", Lol.
Thank You So Much! Aloha.
Take Care, Stay Safe

Awesome product!!! Added bonus... broke my wrist (right cymbal hand) and can continue to practice with a cast! Vibration level is also less with these sticks!!! Totally recommend them!
If you need to play at low volume you need these as an alternative in your stick bag
Allan Langvee
The silent sticks are great! Durable, grip nicely, and much more responsive on the snare and toms than dowel sticks, which I've used for years. Much brighter sound on the cymbals as well! A good investment!
John Arnett
These sticks are great. Feel great. Low volume but still you get tone from drums and cymbals. I’m a hack, but at least not a loud hack
Greg Mrakich
I’ve had the sticks for several months now and really like them. I use to only play when it rained and the wife ( a former drummer and lead singer in an all girl band in the sixties) wasn’t home. No longer an issue with these sticks.
Brad Hepfer
Just bought and used them today. Excellent product. If you are just an uncontrolled basher, then you will not be happy, but if you play with some finesse then I highly recommend them.
Matt Drummer
I’d say try em before knocking them. They have a unique feel and the weight of the stick really can really up your speed. I’ve been using them for a couple months. Certainly not right for every application but if yu try em I think you’ll find a place in your bag to keep a pair.
Jason Emery
Used mine for the first time last night and was very impressed, as was the rest of the band! Wondering how long they will last and how the plastic shaft will handle cymbal rash, but so far so good...
Glenn Etter
Screw everyone who says these don't work, YOU dont work, these sticks kick ass, and if you don't think so, change instruments, pansy!
Jared Ostrom
Matt Drummer Just bought and used them today. Excellent product. If you are just an uncontrolled basher, then you will not be happy, but if you play with some finesse then I highly recommend them.
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Jason Emery I’d say try em before knocking them. They have a unique feel and the weight of the stick really can really up your speed. I’ve been using them for a couple months. Certainly not right for every application but if yu try em I think you’ll find a place in your bag to keep a pair.
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Glenn Etter Used mine for the first time last night and was very impressed, as was the rest of the band! Wondering how long they will last and how the plastic shaft will handle cymbal rash, but so far so good…
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Maryanne ZanFagna I love these sticks. Just got mine a few days ago. They’re awesomeeee
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Jared Ostrom Screw everyone who says these don’t work, YOU dont work, these sticks kick ass, and if you don’t think so, change instruments, pansy!
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Paul Spears Just got a set and have to say after 50 years of drumming and spending a small fortune on hot rod sticks to be able to play quietly with attack and energy these silent sticks are great with a fantastic cymbal response
If you need to play at low volume you need these as an alternative in your stick bag
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Rick Vandeven I tried Silent Sticks out this weekend with my band. I usually play my e-drums when we rehearse, but we have started booking gigs again, and have a show at a small bar and grill in 3 weeks. It’s too small IMO for my acoustic drums, but I hate dragging my electrics to a gig. Anyhow, ordered Silent Sticks, set my Luddies up, and we had a grand rehearsal in my garage! I am ordering another pair today!
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Corbin Gurley Received mine in a timely manner even with the postal service being so backed up with volume. Love the sticks so far, would love for them to have a little more rebound, but with the way they’re designed I don’t see that being very alterable. Great product! May have to check out the silent beater soon
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Cyrus Cariaga Enjoy playing with your invention especially on those days when Diabetic Arthropothy and Arthritis “creeps up”, Lol.
Thank You So Much! Aloha.
Take Care, Stay Safe
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Allan Langvee Awesome product!!! Added bonus… broke my wrist (right cymbal hand) and can continue to practice with a cast! Vibration level is also less with these sticks!!! Totally recommend them!
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John Arnett The silent sticks are great! Durable, grip nicely, and much more responsive on the snare and toms than dowel sticks, which I’ve used for years. Much brighter sound on the cymbals as well! A good investment!
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Greg Mrakich These sticks are great. Feel great. Low volume but still you get tone from drums and cymbals. I’m a hack, but at least not a loud hack
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Brad Hepfer I’ve had the sticks for several months now and really like them. I use to only play when it rained and the wife ( a former drummer and lead singer in an all girl band in the sixties) wasn’t home. No longer an issue with these sticks.
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et encore plus de témoignages!
- encore plus de vrais clients ayant acheté leurs baguettes. non édité.
They are great. Used at Church praise band but we used those wrapped up tiny dowels where you only play solid notes. But with Adoro we can do rolls again in 8th and 16th note count. Love it.
Jerry Umthun
This silent beater is the best out there. It ACTUALLY reduces the noise significantly, opposed to the Kat and others which barely do anything
Rafael Franco
I LOVE THE SILENT STICKS!! Just played my first full gig with them at a local Craft Brewery and we had a blast AND I played fully "free"! Decided to buy another pair as a back up.
Chris Sheppard
I have a pair and they really do cut the volume. They are very light in weight compared to regular sticks. They have a new version for e-drums which are a little more like a regular stick in weight. I use them for practice and when playing gigs in smaller venues.
Tony Kay
I actually really like these. Gave em a shot when they came up in my feed. Figured a few bucks wasn't a big deal if I didn't like them. They're a little more flexible than i was expecting, but it's easy to adjust to. They're slim and light, i think a bit thinner than my 7a sticks. It lets me practice rudiments after my 5y/o goes to bed. It's going to make a big difference for me.
Sean Ibanez
Jerry Umthun They are great. Used at Church praise band but we used those wrapped up tiny dowels where you only play solid notes. But with Adoro we can do rolls again in 8th and 16th note count. Love it.
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Rob Crafts I am so pleased with these sticks. Ordered two pair and am very satisfied.
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Sean Ibanez I actually really like these. Gave em a shot when they came up in my feed. Figured a few bucks wasn’t a big deal if I didn’t like them. They’re a little more flexible than i was expecting, but it’s easy to adjust to. They’re slim and light, i think a bit thinner than my 7a sticks. It lets me practice rudiments after my 5y/o goes to bed. It’s going to make a big difference for me.
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Chris Sheppard I LOVE THE SILENT STICKS!! Just played my first full gig with them at a local Craft Brewery and we had a blast AND I played fully “free”! Decided to buy another pair as a back up.
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Rafael Franco This silent beater is the best out there. It ACTUALLY reduces the noise significantly, opposed to the Kat and others which barely do anything
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Greg Webster I bought two pair… Love them. They are not for heavy hitters.
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Marco Noto Mine were shipped very quickly. The thin version is a little too small for my hands but workable. May try the larger size.
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Tony Kay I have a pair and they really do cut the volume. They are very light in weight compared to regular sticks. They have a new version for e-drums which are a little more like a regular stick in weight. I use them for practice and when playing gigs in smaller venues.
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Justin Bowe I’ve tried many implements to play quieter but with good tone; I don’t like rods, I like some things about rutes, and I liked the ProMark broomsticks but these SilentSticks are the best option I’ve tried in years. They feel great, play great, and work great for playing in a small church worship area. I did break the tip off one, but it happens to real sticks too so it’s fine. They deliver a tiny bit more attack than tone, but I can live with it. Highly recommend!
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Scott Keiser I’m a worship pastor, and our Adoro worship drums and silent sticks arrived here in the U.S. 3 days after ordering, even shipping from Germany! 3 days!! That’s crazy.
Our sanctuary has ridiculous acoustics. It’s like playing in a cave. If you clap, it lingers for 4 seconds. Enter Adoro drums and sticks. We got it ready and mic’d up with no cage a couple Sundays ago, and I was nervous. The older members of the congregation would’ve bombarded me with emails the next day if it was too much (I know what you’re thinking, but that’s another convo for another day). But that Sunday went great! The drums blended well and were easy to regulate from the booth. I received several compliments on them even. They do what they are designed to do. Even in a “cave” sanctuary. Very impressed with this customer-minded company and the CEO.
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Nechemia Soibelman I never leave feed back but I got these sticks and let me tell u life changing.
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Bob Forman These are way quieter than wood sticks ,but sharper and louder than brushes! The perfect medium,and won’t annoy other musicians .lol. Not sure how durable they will hold up,just started playing ,time will tell !!
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Richard A. Langley I use the silent sticks to rehearse in our little studio. I love them. If the rest of the band wants to hear what they really sound like with out ear monitors they are a miracle!
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Leeroy Heckart My whole church basically made a comment the Sunday I brought them to church. That’s how much of a difference these sticks make. I’m pulling the trigger on the worship series.
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Ken Osterhoudt I don’t get the complaining. They serve a purpose. If I wanna play at 11pm my neighbors hear nothing with these. The family doesn’t complain when they are trying to watch tv. If I just wanna mess around, not hearing protection these are fine. Sure I prefer real sticks but my practice time can now double with these. They serve a purpose. Took just a day to get used to them. Give them a chance. I ordered them, they were here in less than a week.
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David Fuchser Just got a pair of the blue edrum version for my Roland kit, since I live in an apartment. It’s not silent of course, but it takes a considerable edge away compared to my regular sticks. Also have tennis ball risers underneath my bass and pedals (the main offenders!) Would recommend these sticks to any edrum player!
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We offer 4 different models:
Silent X Sticks SSX
notre best seller!
Scott Pellegrom
Signature Sticks
Want to reduce the volume of your (e-)drums and pads? With 16.5mm shaft the stick has the same thickness at the handle as a regular 5B stick. This is our sickest – err, thickest stick ever! Coming in a flashing red, with a softer tip that is specially adjusted to the bouncy mesh heads and pads. Rubber anti-slip X-Grips pretty much eliminate losing sticks during rapid timbal fills or busy clavé patterns. Check out what our artists Scott Pellegrom can do with these sticks!
Adoro Silent-E-Sticks
Pour les pads et le confort
Silent Percussion Sticks
La Silent Stick pour la percussion est notre baguette la plus fine et la plus légère, avec son embout Reflex à double boucle rigide mais flexibleTM Ce modèle est idéal pour jouer des rythmes complexes avec une dynamique contrôlée sur tout, des cloches à vache aux tambours à main. Les poignées en caoutchouc antidérapantes X-Grips éliminent pratiquement toute perte de baguettes lors de rythmes rapides.
... et deux battes de grosse caisse
Adoro Silent Beater
avec tige en fibre de bois
Comprend un tampon souple avec une surface en téflon pour réduire la friction sur les têtes pour plus de durabilité.
Convient à tout type de pédales de grosse caisse.
Adoro Silent Beater, soft
with steel shaft
Note : si vous avez l'habitude de jouer avec le talon (ce qui n'est pas recommandé avec les batteries électroniques en premier lieu), choisissez plutôt la version à tige en fibre pour plus de durabilité.
Convient à tout type de pédales de grosse caisse.
they tested & loved them:
What the pros say…
“I got my silent sticks a while ago and have used them at several rehearsals since. We rehearse in a small, low-ceiling basement and my bandmates have been constantly on me to play quieter at these practice sessions even to the point of suggesting putting towels all over the kit which I won’t do. That really screws up the sound and bounce of the drum so I (we) were hoping that the Silent Sticks would help solve the problem. They really, really did and are great at taking the volume way down while allowing me to play hard with the same force as I would in a live performance where more volume is okay. A great product!”
Charles Fisher, USA
“I just love the feel and weight of these Silent Sticks! To me they are somewhere in between playing a brush and a conventional stick. I am now using them with my students and at a Primary School where I teach. The kids love them too. Really easy on the ears in the classroom too. Highly recommended!”
Tony McNally (Advanced Skills Teacher for Music, UK)
“Shipping was fast, and after first sceptism my excitement grew. These sticks really deliver what they promise! I can play so quiet, I can keep talking during my drum clinics and explain what I am doing without a mike. Also, they sound great, like sticks, just less loud. I love them!”
Andy Graham
Love them! These sticks have a similar feel to normal sticks, but with a substantial decrease in volume. The closest alternative to these are rods, but my main gripe with rods is that you can’t even get air through the drum when playing toms. With these silent sticks, however, you get a much fuller feel on the toms and you can also get a solid rim shot on the snare without hurting everyone’s ears.They are much more durable than rods as well. I am very happy with them and I would highly recommend them to anyone that needs to reduce the volume of their playing for difficult acoustic environments. These will put the fun back into playing quiet!
Adam Zalewski
Silent Sticks & Heritage Heads: Ideal Volume + Awesome Tone
Adoro Heritage heads are great for all acoustic purposes -they have a lot less attack, sound warm and are so responsive they will let your drums sound like they are mic’d. Especially in bright enviroments, these heads make your drums shine!
Adoro introduces Synthetic Calf Heads
Adoro Heritage heads can be mounted like regular drumheads. By using a new innovative fibre material, we have optimized the warm sound of the heads and at the same time achieved maximum durability. In contrast to conventional cellulose-mylar constructions, the Heritage heads are now extremely hard-wearing and still offer the unique sound characteristics of natural heads, combined with great tuning stability. On top of this, Heritage heads tune a third lower than regular heads. This makes low tunings a lot easier!
Now combine this with our silent sticks and beaters, and you will have improved your acoustic drum sound for a really sensible and warm sound.
- single ply, roughened head
- warm, focused tone inspired by calfskins
- tune stable
- a third lower than usual heads!
- great vintage-look!
- long lasting
- Bass drum head with integrated muffler
Also available: The Heritage PDX with dot and control patches give your snare a nice extra punch while sounding still warm and amplified.
For concert toms etc. use the Heritage PD version available in all sizes from 8″-18″

We made a commercial!
Still not sure if you should get these? Sit back and watch this awesome commercial we professionally made. We did not spare any costs and even hired Dr. Evil for the voiceover. Who would not trust Dr. Evil?!
No cats were harmed in the process of filming..
Aaand because we are super cool, we even got an awesome endorser who even has his own signature stick, do not forget to check out Scott Pellegrom!

À propos d'Adoro
Adoro est un fabricant de batteries originaire de Hambourg, en Allemagne. Nous sommes spécialisés dans les batteries pour les environnements acoustiques, les Silent Sticks ne sont qu'un des nombreux produits que nous fabriquons à la main. Nous aimons ce que nous faisons, et nous sommes heureux que vous appréciiez également nos produits.
Si vous avez des questions, ou si vous souhaitez obtenir des conseils en matière de batterie, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter !
Adoro Drums OKC
7200 NW 111th St.
OKC, Oklahoma 73162
Veuillez prendre rendez-vous avant de venir. Merci.